REBOOT Your Life*
Seven Paths to Health, Hope, and Happiness
1. Amazing: Four Easy Steps to Calm, Center your life
2. Discover: Break Free of Addictions and Reclaim Yourself: Feel Again! Who you really are matters.
3. Free Yourself: Releasing Resentment and be blessed with the remarkable advantages in Mental Forgiveness
4. Hard-Core Clearing: Powerful steps for challenging and releasing any negative thinking that’s crept in
5. Rebooting, Re-Energizing: Your personal tutorial
6. Thought-provoking: Facilitating Self-Discovery and Inner Change
7. Trust My Choice for easy, extraordinary results
Bonus Concepts:
I. Preparatory By Stanley Wanlass
II. Ten Insights for Understanding, Support, and Advantage, plus Skipping Stones
III. Quick: Previews of Content
You WILL Prevail . . . Believe!
You’ll command the proven skills and insights to harness greater inner well-being, renew courage, feel new confidence, and enjoy the mental freedom to create the life you want.
*(A tutorial inspired by those who have lived through it.)
REBOOT Your Life Previews
By Stanley Wanlass
In your searching, don’t always be too quick at finding or expecting answers; they may
be too rigid or certain and possibly too soon. Perhaps, (sometimes) it’s better not to find
the answers immediately; let it brew for a while and blow in the wind. Not only is there a
chance that you may not be ready for the satisfaction of just knowing, but the answer
may not be complete and may even be destructive, not worthy of even a cursory search.
Generally, I believe that knowledge is better than ignorance, but timing, the where and
when can enhance the flavor of discovery. It may be preferable not to touch your
dreams fully.
The above is the opening paragraph of a strong, insightful writing
prepared to support what’s here for you. —Author
Stanley Wanlass, Professor Emeritus, BFA/MA/AFAS, has taught at numerous
universities in the United States, Canada, and abroad, including the European
Art Academy in Paris and the Université de Grenoble, France. He’s an
internationally known sculptor, designer, and painter. He also creates heroic
bronze historical monuments. www.stanleywanlass.com
Previews of Content
“Feel all your cares being taken by the sea.” It’s within your power to go there in
your mind; to imagine, feel, and “watch” your success as if it were real time.
“Each pass, each wave” is a time of learning and a reflection of your courage.
Heart . . .
A reminder to listen to your heart . . .
You Are
“Your heart your wealth Your dreams your reward”
Thank You
An example of the advantages won by taking those words that speak to you
further inside and noticing how they impact you. And accepting the results
without self-judgment when they suggest expanding thoughts deeper.
Trust your intuition and instincts to choose your feelings, the desired results, and
what to read for success. It’s a process; genuine change is created in its own time.
Proverb: “It is human nature always to find fresh cause for optimism.”
However, sometimes even the boldest, bravest, and most fearless must look again
to re-discover their threads to hope, search deep inside their gut, reclaim their
faith, and recall their courage, willpower, and inner love—who they really are.
The Poet
“Thank you for your courage, For seizing the moments, facing the turmoils, And
coming to stronger.”
Ten Insights for Understanding, Support, and Advantage
Ten insights and an introduction; each designed to combine and expand greater mental advantage, broader insights, and deeper understandings to support your choices for new inner growth. They're building blocks to renewed hope, joy and celebrating yourself.
Skipping Stones
Imagine skipping stones across the water. First you choose the best stone you
believe is right for the job, or you pick one at random. Next, you throw it in a
direction and in a way that you also choose. The stone skips once, a few times, or
it’s the “winner” with many skips over the waves before it dives in. Task
completed. Success comes after one or many tries; regardless, you don’t give up.
Being New
“The power to be new: Scratch for it, dig for it. Nothing can stop you. Who said,
you can’t.? Your wholeness awaits with all your truths.”
Who Cares?
Who could care less on another given day or time? However, for today, which
thought or question gets your attention, draws you in, and grabs you for more?
Which writings cause you to rethink old beliefs or start a new course of action?
Who Cares?
By David W Sweet
What does it take to notice thoughts?
What thoughts are obscure, while others fleeting?
Which are stubborn, nagging, or non-supporting?
What thoughts are felt with ease, at your command anytime?
Which bring inner smiles, joy, and awakening?
Where does caring start?
Is there a price to pay for caring?
In regard to noticing our reactions, is that caring?
When we choose caring, what happens?
Edge of Courage
The edge of your courage is defined by you. There are six more paragraphs; which
reflect your feelings and thoughts? Which could be catalysts to find your truths?
Pete Grignon, CFO, United Way Pierce County: “When I find myself scattered
and needing to center myself, the poem Edge of Courage brings me back in focus
and gives me the strength to move forward.”
Badlands Bob
Badlands Bob, his own man, is thrown several “curveballs” by Nell, his neighbor
across the gulch. It’s a “bad night” for Bob . . . how does he hold onto his survival?
Can our hearts ever hide? How do love poems strike a cord? Is it only those times
when we remember that the human heart is about more than just pumping
Darkness, Courage, Hope, Expectancy, and Celebration . . . which raises
your curiosity to explore, to question what you’ve read, or to expand your
thoughts? All the while, hold the thought in your mind that your answers will
Darkness If your light side isn’t present
Or feels beyond reach,
Allow yourself the darkness.
However, you have the power to notice
And to hold this condition as temporary,
Knowing deep down that it will pass.
Courage Inside, you are all–powerful.
Take notice of anyone speaking to
Or treating you in the negative.
No matter how hard they try,
Stand unavailable for any abuse.
Miracles and Hope
Where do miracles start, i.e., before or after hope? In your memory, how close at
hand are your times of hope? Do miracles lead to joy? Does hope? Anything else?
Life Is on Time
You can read this two ways: 1. Go down the left column, then down the right. 2.
Read the left paragraph then the corresponding right paragraph. How would it
feel to erase all outdated beliefs and thoughts?
Rafting Mind
What circumstances and beliefs must be available for us to forgive? How does
forgiving work; i.e., how much energy does it take not to forgive?
Rafting Mind
By David W Sweet
Though it’s peaceful, my mind grasps little.
I see a life raft gently floating in the ocean;
up and down, sometimes sideways,
going with the waves.
The view takes in part of the raft;
the rest is just ocean.
It’s not rough today, just rolling;
You Can!
How does it feel to mentally picture the flame? What thoughts or beliefs surface
to be burned? How do joy and laughter circulate within you? It’s your power!
Who’s to Say?
Does paragraph eight say it all? What’s the scheme, the labyrinth that you’re
seeing for yourself? For the life you choose to create, what thoughts give support?
White Noise
What’s real? What’s not? What’s in between mental smoke screens and mirrors?
How does intuition work? What brought a response? What’s telling, mirrored?
The author once spent time with a veteran who had PTSD. The veteran explained
that, no matter how hard he tried, as a result of the drugs prescribed in his recent
past, “I couldn’t find the bottom of my mind no matter how hard I tried.”
In the Preface, David didn’t explain his past chemical addiction to nicotine. He
recounts that “at 36 years old, and having tried to quit several times, the
seriousness of it began to sink in. I realized I had no choice. So, I dedicated quiet
times each day imagining, picturing how I’d look and feel to myself not smoking,
and how I’d look and feel being in the world being free of the addiction.
I felt and imagined the smallest details that would be changed for the better. I
was owning it and anchoring it to my very soul, to be a new part of my being and
my existence. Fear is a great motivator. It took perseverance and a lot of noticing,
and it always came down to a conscious rejection of what my body was wanting.
The more you notice, the faster you’ll notice . . . that’s building real, inner power!”
Addictions, Breaking Free, Reclaim Yourself
Premise I: “People avoid their own fears because they believe
that their fears will swallow them up.”*
They unlock the fog, and pound nonstop at you in the void.
They take the light, the lead, and run away with your mind.
They mask what they do and hide the consequences so well.
A carefree numbness plays with your attention.
The shadows call in darkness: gray goes black,
and thoughts arrive under wet blankets.
Hard-Core, Clearing and Releasing
In regard to the concept of mental Malpractice Explained, self-empowerment
and prevention don’t ever get more basic to achieve and gain advantage. You can
accomplish this and set results in motion in sixty seconds or less!
World leaders and CEOs, as example, may tend to age quickly; they’re lightning
rods for hate and other ill thoughts promoted by their opponents and enemies.
What does it take to practice this concept each day and keep yourself “clean”?
What would it take for this practice to become a habit? Trial and error?
Commitment? Promises to self? Intuition championing you? Writing goals down?
Four Easy Steps to Calm, Center
There are known variations of this concept. However, the author spent time with
a Qigong master, which is the origin of the tongue placement in this breathing
technique. He explained that “it’s just like turning on a light switch.”
Inner Peace
“Hand to Heart”
Try this when feeling stressed and off balance. Use it when you want
to slow, calm, or center yourself, and experience more inner peace.
1. Place your hand over your heart.
Threads to Hope and Joy
What supports you to imagine and feel yourself climbing out of a dark mental
hole? Believe you can! Recall your blessings, joys, celebrate hope, and anticipate!
Rebooting, Re-Energizing
How big is the test of willpower to dig deep, to find answers? Which questions
come easiest, and which surface past hurts dodging behind practiced avoidance?
What thoughts stand in the way? Will facing the tough ones overwhelm? Baby
steps . . . and behold! You are human.
Piercing the fog to re-energize
Impatience and living in disappointment are bedfellows; they dance together.
If we’re not in charge of the blackness, what allows us to walk through it
or to turn our backs on it?
However, assuming we are in charge, is there a toll to pay, or is escaping free?
Is anything ever left behind?
How powerful is choice in these matters?
What does hope look like?
How many ways can we look to Nature for inspiration? For truth? How does
Nature provide the metaphors and support for our challenges and discoveries?
Releasing Resentment, Mental Forgiveness
How much of life is about learning? The author manifested painful sciatica as a
result of negative self-talk in regard to resentment. While being tasked with a
specific job and being the only one qualified at the time,“I repeatedly thought to
myself and held the task as ‘a pain in the a _ _! As a result, over a period of
months, my body had heard all the negative self-speak, felt how I was holding it,
and obliged by making the pain very real. Living proof that what you say and
think to yourself will manifest metaphorically.”
David went on to say, “It took me a while to search my mind and connect the
‘power’ of my thoughts to the real condition I had created within my body. This
writing was created to assist in the process of healing for anyone harboring
resentment for whatever reason.”
Releasing Resentment, Mental Forgiveness
By David W Sweet
Options: run away and start over vs. manage our thoughts and energy.
We may not be in charge of the dark or hard times, however, we can
entrust ourselves to face it, and walk through, past, or over it.
Hope is always there, sometimes we just can’t hear it or feel it.
Choose hope: anticipate, expect, and allow it.
Facilitating Self-Discovery and Change: A Tutorial
By David W Sweet
Here are concepts, methods, scenarios, and mental tools to get down to it, to
break mental logjams, and checkmate any outdated thoughts on the way to self-
discovery and a new self-assurance. Welcome, feel, and celebrate the difference
you’ve made.
Right Timing
The open door to the mind may seem unattainable unless you knock hard and often; however,
the slightest touch to the “right lever” can open to a wealth of hidden blessings. — David Sweet
Choosing to inquire includes searching for the reasoning behind a belief; pursuing
deeper, broader introspection and inner self-observation; or just looking for insights
and ideas—brainstorming within yourself. The methods explained below will assist you
to expand and deepen self-discovery. You’ll be allowing and watching your intellect and
intuition at work.
The Goal
The goal is to achieve greater self-awareness—to discover what belief systems you
operate from. Ask yourself: How does my belief system process? What beliefs that I act
on are no longer in my best interest? What belief systems do support me? Examine your
judgments, reactions, fears, feelings, logic, and discernments. Peel it all back and
question. Take your time. Affirmations and Assertions (page xxx) will assist.
You can discover how you’re mentally processing internal thoughts, including what’s
behind how you perceive yourself or what’s driving you to act a certain way.
In addition, you can focus on how you’re processing or interpreting external events.
Advantages of Affirmations and Assertions
Hint: Hitting the ground running each day with a quick reading or recital of any
of these, or as example, “I’m grateful!” doesn’t do it, period. Center yourself, quiet
inside, say them (or whatever you choose to create) to yourself, think them, use
prayer, then picture how the results look and feel. This combined process both
anchors it within and calls in whatever you choose for yourself. It’s not a casual
walk in the park; however, anticipate and expect in your heart and soul that you
will succeed.
There’s no getting around it; you must make it as real for yourself as possible.
There are no shortcuts to laying bare your soul and going for it. Who you are with
your feelings and inner visualization is a display of real power. No one can
package what you have and resell it to you; it’s all yours already. It’s your choice
to harness your courage and fortitude, to persevere toward achieving.
Affirmations and Assertions Categories
Starting, Truth, Allowing, Clearing, Goodness, Joy, and Resilience . . .
you choose. Mix and match or create your own. With prayer or without . . . go!
Instructions for My Choice
Step by step instructions on creating for yourself, inner and outer. Soul-searching
first, then articulate and follow the process. You can manifest it all here.
Gratitude, Courage, Complete, Losing Time, Statement, What’s Real?:
All options of how one can hold life’s events. How will having real advantage feel?
Gratitude A part of gratitude is noticing
the essence of that which
presents itself to each of us.
What determines the timing?
What's Real? If someone is trying hard to sell you
on being fearful, ask yourself
if it’s intended to divert your
attention or cloud your awareness.
The Sea
How does the sea lift our spirits, diminish our heartaches, and leave itself deep in
our beings? Does it start with us or with its power? Which feels right? Or . . . ?
The End