Hope, Self-Confidence, Courage, and No Wasted Words:
Why Poetry
By David W Sweet
These poems, all written by the author of this book, are meant to support your quest for re-energizing by providing thoughts, inspiration, and powerful mental tools to rethink, assess, and rebuild your life.
No two readers will ever have the same reasoning, logic, or reactions to what’s here. And that echoes the power of poetry for each of us, asking for and challenging participation from the reader.
It’s all on your, the reader’s, terms and conditions. It’s your choice: take the challenge, follow the threads, or devise your own commentary in the spaces provided. Who’s to say?
You can remake your own roadmap for life. Prepare to search, grow, and celebrate the learning and insights that come to you, resonating for your advantage, benefit, and lasting success. All are a reflection of your mental power.
There are no wasted words . . . so get started and prepare yourself for lots of ahas, inner smiles, and joy.
© 2020 David W Sweet All rights reserved
The Poet
By David W Sweet
I’m called “the poet.”
I write for one,
I write for many,
I write for my peace.
My due comes into question:
Is it that which is dismissed,
That which is a kind echo,
Or that which is circling, taunting,
Never letting go?
The endings come and go.
In between there’s heart,
And deep, silent pauses
Balanced by awakenings
And reflections of joy.
Consciousness for others?
There are no reminders;
No “flags” made to appear,
No shouts written to startle,
Or empathies silenced.
Does the mind ever rest?
For some . . . an ending;
For others . . . a reminder;
In between, disguised fear
Hiding behind for naught?
What you take in is all yours.
Thank you for your courage,
For seizing the moments,
Facing inner turmoils,
And coming out stronger.
Here’s to those searching,
Calling on their resilience
And having the patience
To observe, feel, and face
Their own theaters of the mind.
© 2020 by David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
From David’s book on “Rebooting”
Joy: Finding Yours
By David W Sweet
Your Best Day
Describe to someone what your very best day would look like. Imagine all
the feelings of satisfaction and joy you would experience on that day. Note it all below.
Joy Library
Begin compiling your own library of joyful past events and mentally catalog all the joy you felt during each. Can you go back, wrap your arms and memory around those times, and claim all the joy you experienced? It’s yours; choose it and anchor (i.e., own) it. Hint: Don’t expect to do it all at once or in one sitting. Take your time and let these past events add up as the memories come back; you’ll use this list later and expand both it and your skills in Part Two: Joy and the Imaginary Wall.
Note: There’s no judgment or contest here. Make your list as long or as
short as you choose.
The above is an excerpt from David’s Heart of Resilience tutorial/workbook. The truth is that your joy is yours and no one, no event, can ever take it from you.
Edge of Courage
By David W Sweet
The edge of your courage is defined by you.
No one knows better who you believe you are at this time.
Choosing to grow; to have more of a sense
of who you really are, to be enlightened,
and wanting answers to questions deep inside . . .
That is the edge of courage.
To make the decision to call forth
change in your life, your thoughts,
and your consciousness . . .
That is the edge of courage.
To be willing to disregard old thoughts, habits,
and beliefs that no longer serve you . . .
That is the edge of courage.
Finding yourself in conflict with the old holding onto you;
tired thoughts and beliefs pulling at you
from places you never again want your mind to go,
and not giving up—continuing to stand firm
and wanting to know . . .
That is the edge of courage.
When change has yet to come
and youʼre feeling all alone inside
and wondering what caused you
to start this quest for yourself,
and you donʼt let go, and wonʼt back up;
clinging to the hope that you can . . .
That is the edge of courage.
When youʼre alone with your mind
feeling old thoughts, directions,
and inspirations crashing in,
dismantling, and mixing with the pain
of not knowing your future . . .
That is the edge of courage.
© 2012-18 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
From Heart of Resilience
At One*
By David W Sweet
Today we choose to create and enter a golden bubble of energy.
A wonderful space where we agree to open our hearts to absolute
Trust and to honor and share with one another.
Upon entering we are cleansed of all ego:
All judgment is suspended,
All fears left behind,
Being critical and reactive have no place.
We welcome and embrace our higher selves.
We are surrounded by all the Universal Powers of Love,
Freedom, Joy, Good Health, and Fulfillment.
We have the power to see clearly the present
And to visualize and articulate the steps and pathways
For the highest and best evolvement of each individual.
We claim all our individual gifts and empowerments.
With gratitude and thankfulness;
So be it.
*A Coach’s Prayer
© 2001-21 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
Written to provide a solid, grounded basis for clarity,
resolve, and an anchored beginning for any coaching
session or meeting, whether group or one-on-one.
By David W Sweet
In your darkest hour,
Can you light a candle,
And watch the flame?
However small, it exists.
However fleeting, it was.
Will the flame light again?
For stepped-on souls
Burdened by untruths,
Old hurts burn at the base.
The middle is robust:
Spreading joy, laughter,
And thanks for being.
The top flicker breathes:
Growing in the moment,
Dancing with the future.
Can you hug yourself?
You are part of it all,
And can light it anytime.
You are powerful.
That is who you are,
And, you can!
© 2011-20 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
From Heart of Resilience
By David W Sweet
I claim that part of me that is hope.
Nothing can stop me from claiming my hope;
Nothing can keep me from it.
Passing through time, hope never leaves
And does not move when being sought out.
More powerful than any given moment;
It’s always there—waiting.
Embracing it again,
I allow it to expand.
Feeling its power,
I remember it well.
I stand renewed,
And expectant.
So be it!
© 2013 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
From Heart of Resilience,
Day Starters

Miracles and Hope
By David W Sweet
Does hope shadow miracles, i.e.,
if there is no hope, miracles don't exist?
Are small miracles equal to "big" ones?
Do miracles noticed mean there is hope?
What defines a miracle anyway?
Is it our noticing that makes miracles,
or our hope that first pulls the miracle out to be?
© 2016 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
Gratitude the Gift
By David W Sweet
Gratitude comes from the heart,
Spilling over and radiating.
It doesn't stop at the floor and
Doesn't stop at the door.
It's there for all to see and feel;
Our grace and blessings as one.
© 2011-20 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
From Heart of Resilience
By David W Sweet
Believing in miracles large and small . . .
Can you pause to look around and feel beyond yourself to your
surroundings, to the land, to the entire earth?
Can you hold yourself as part of it, knowing there is a rhythm,
a timing, and a purpose for it all?
Can you picture being everywhere: a part of it all and, at the same time, standing as one?
Can you imagine having the modesty to speak softly or the audacity
and power to shout and be heard, not only by the earth but through
all space and time?
Can you hold as a miracle the smallest rain drop, the babbling of the
brook, the power and clarity of the sea, or the scent of rain?
What power trusts the old growths, rages with the tides, or silently
announces spring with the first bud?
Can you stand quietly, go deep inside, and hold yourself as a miracle
regardless of your circumstances?
Then you know peace and love; you know yourself.
© 2015 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
Perspective . . . Resilience
By David W Sweet
Being close to the edge of the surf on a white, sandy beach blessed by a warm
tropical breeze is a place our minds can go anytime.
Imagine standing barefoot, the sand between your toes, and the surf slowly
changing the sand, and your foothold, as it laps back and forth over your feet. Can
you feel yourself minutely adjusting your balance with each pass of the surf?
When you’re by the sea, take all the so-called “missed” goals, hard times, mental
have-tos, and life confusion and release them all. Let them drop to join the sand
pebbles, to be cleansed and washed away. Feel all your cares being taken by the
sea. There’s no cost, no charge, no debt—you’re just there, letting go, expecting
success, and being thankful.
Having been renewed, picture the rest of your life as surfing the waves, mastering
balance, falling and getting up again—a celebration every time!
It’s a reflection of your courage to try, to know yourself, and to honor and grow
your resilience; to take each pass, each wave, as a time of learning. Not knowing
when the big one might roll in or how, you pay no mind to the unknown and
choose to go ahead.
© 2016 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
From Day Starters