REMARKABLE Discoveries
POWERFUL Improvement

This certification provides completion demonstrating that David Sweet understands the differences in learning abilities between specific age and background groups. This requires patience and specific skills to effectively and assist retention with the student.
Coaching, especially when needed most, will always involve trust, consistency and sincerity. These are some of the most important qualities that create life changing experiences. Right person right timing!

Chef Robert Teddy
When Food Network invited me to compete on season five of their popular show
Halloween Wars, I knew I was in deep! Five teams of three contestants would each
battle over five episodes for a grand prize of $50,000. (There was no prize for finishing
second.) When my team met for the first time the night before the first episode, you
could have literally sliced our combined anxiety with a chef’s knife!
“Focus on your teammates . . . no one else exists,” I explained. I asked my team simply
to not look at any of the other competitors, and then asked them to do something special
for me.
Just as they awoke, while still in bed, I urged each of them to list all the wonderful
things in their life that made them feel grateful, and to thank the universe out loud.
Then I directed them to visualize us winning, as if it had already happened. There could
be no question of our team going to the finale, winning the grand prize, and celebrating
all the dreams that the prize represented!
We actually surged to the finale and then won! Those steps we took to focus our energy
and suggest the outcome to the universe I credit to David Sweet and the life strategies
that he teaches.
As David says, focusing on success and telling the universe what you want leads all those
distracting negative worries and anxieties to fade away. His techniques solve life’s
endless stream of problems and enhance the chances of getting the answers to our
conflicts, problems, and challenges, and ultimately, the results we seek. After
experiencing this in real time, I am a true believer!
Chef Robert Teddy
Executive Pastry Chef, Las Vegas, NV

One hour with David Sweet, saved $20,000 annually.
ROI: You do the math. . .
Thank you for everything. I sincerely wish you the
things and experiences that are best for you.
I believe you have done much good to help others
(me included) and your world. You are a visionary, and
I believe there are many others awaiting your wisdom.
By “coincidence”, I had met this client several months prior.
Sometimes, and for whatever reason, our whole world caves in.
Upon query, this client-to-be was, at that time, “down to the last thread.”
Lynn Di Nino, Artist
July 18th, 2011
Dear prospective client of David Sweet,
In 2007 I approached David for help regarding my art business. Although I’d been a
professional artist earning a living by commissions and gallery work for over 30 years,
the work had dried up and I needed guidance from someone I’d heard had a good
We met twice, first in order to establish my vision for what I needed to accomplish and
to acknowledge my skill set for a possible career shift, and then for the practical
hammering out of new direction.
David helped me focus on steps to create a slightly different approach. He was
insightful, knowledgeable, creative and efficient. I really appreciated his balance of
listening and suggestions of options. I needed his outside perspective and for an
independent person like me he approached my challenges with exactly the right tone.
I recommend him!
Lynn Di Nino
Lynn Di Nino
Telling Lynn Di Nino that anything could not be accomplished
would be like trying to block out the sun. Coming to Tacoma in 2001,
she has been a tour de force in the growth of the art community
and public awareness. Lynn has been directly responsible for
creating, organizing, and facilitating more than a few city-wide events
for the benefit of the arts, participants, and onlookers—a good time
had by all! Her creativity never stops!
El Gaucho
For any individual or group seeking the guidance and perspective of an individual
or team coach I would recommend the service of David Sweet.
In a recent quarterly meeting with my staff of 50 people David brought to the
surface some important topics that related to the quality of the service we provide
our customers, and at the same time struck a cord with many of my staff on a
more personal level.
As a testimonial it is difficult to articulate how important David’s presentation
was, but the most tangible attribute is the establishment of a healthy culture in
and out of the work place.
I have also been taking advantage of David’s calm guidance and perspective in a
one-on-one coaching program he has devised, and have had great success in my
communication with my staff and my supervisor.
All in all I would highly endorse David as a capable and valuable coach.
Troy Christian
General Manager
El Gaucho Tacoma
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter shall serve as an outstanding reference for David Sweet as a mentor
and personal coach.
David has been my personal coach for the past six months, and in that time has
helped me to recognize many new opportunities in both my personal and
professional life.
David and I have only begun to scratch the surface of thought forms and their
impact on all of our lives. With patience and David’s continued perspective, I am
confident to unlock more powerful tools in my quest for personal happiness.
Without sounding too ethereal and euphoric, I can say that as a business
professional David’s insight has been very centering and refreshing. I can see
outside of the box that I did not realize I was in.
I fell very confident in recommending David’s service in any endeavor he
Please feel free to contact me with any further questions at : El Gaucho (253)272-1510
Troy Christian
General Manager
El Gaucho Tacoma
Backstory: El Gaucho
Troy Christian was the manager at the El Gaucho restaurant when it opened in
Tacoma. The El Gaucho reputation was one of being at the top of the very best for
fine dining in the Pacific Northwest.
Troy first hired me to speak to his employees at an annual event he held for his
staff. Prior to doing so, and as part of how I see my job, I interviewed his
“captains”, wine stewards, cooks and some of the waits staff to find out which
subjects would bring them real substance to take away.
I decided on a few appropriate readings from Stones, Winds and Life, spoke on
the advantages of empowering language and used metaphors familiar to them to
introduce change and empowerment.
Subsequently: The correspondence above speaks for itself
One of Troy's goals was to start and own a successful restaurant.
He soon accomplished that and has gone on further to greater success.
To those considering working with David:
“One of the reasons David’s coaching can be so effective so quickly is his
ability to trace a current issue or stuck place to the underlying thought
that no longer serves a helpful function. For example, a thought that was
protective at an earlier stage is now restrictive and limiting. David
crafts an affirmation, a new affirming thought, to practice and replace the
outgrown one. These insightful affirmations support breakthrough, creative
action and continued growth.”
Jennifer M. Sumner, M.Ed.,Ph.D.
Organization Effectiveness Consultant and Executive Coach
Jennifer worked for a Fortune 500 company. The company flew her to
assist in trouble shooting and general coaching of various world wide
teams. She worked with this author weekly for over twenty two years. This
author still works with her every three months or so for learning, strategies,
and once in a while, a “check-up.”
I have not forgotten the request to describe my experiences working
with you to date.
This morning I was finally able to start to put my feelings about it
into words. This my be random – hope it helps
As an FYI - I had a strong urge to buy your poetry book that day in
your office – However did not open it until the morning we were
scheduled to meet for coffee.
I immediately felt a connection to you . . . and somehow at coffee
that morning this began.
Working with you is Empowering!
You don’t provide me with answers – you ask me the right
questions . . . .
I feel a confidence I have not felt before.
I feel a clarity.
I tend to be going a lot of directions at one time and I am feeling
more focused.
I am at a major crossroads of my life and I feel that working with you
is amplifying the possibility.
All for now. . . .
Karen Orr
Karen is a success in the mortgage business and actively engaged to
help people succeed whenever possible. Subsequently I also worked
with her on a project for a local rotary club that was undergoing no
small transformation. With Karen, it is always heartfelt.
Thank You David,
You know . . . I do remember that day some time ago (2 years??) when I mentioned to
my sister that I was feeling really low, about my job, my boss's treatment of me and just
generally me..
I still have my four statement (I called it a mantra) done in multiples of 3 every day at
different times in my personal kitchen drawer just in case I sink again.
Truly that 10 minutes in your kitchen made a most positive difference in my life.
I will always be grateful.
Kathy Kern
Kathy was in charge of the emergency ward shift at one of the areas largest and
best hospitals. To compound the general tone of it, emergencies came in from all
over Washington State and Alaska for serious trauma, add to that the homeless
and destitute.
To those with soul awareness:
I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with David over the past 2.5
years. Our partnership began on a business level, where I worked directly with
him in creating research and strategic marketing plans for his condominium
project in Tacoma, Washington.
Over time, our dealings grew into a positive exchange of life, love, spiritual
healing and self-growth. I made a life move from Seattle to San Diego, California.
David has played a consistent role in assisting me in remaining grounded and
open in my time of transition. He is an enlightened, insightful, calming
influence, who is able to see me objectively and allow me to see myself clearly.
He continues to provide a soulful approach to my life and I am grateful and
happy to convey this to others.
I know, feel and believe he is a kind, intelligent, spiritual, and objective counsel
who can provide others with gentle support, healing, and guidance in their life
adventures. May you be blessed to encounter David on your path.
Kelly Berger
Kelly moved to California and subsequently, “retired” from advertising and
marketing. She now owns and operates a successful (yes, very!) dog walking
Kris, Referral
Thank you for all your thoughts, energy and encouragement to life!
You have helped me through some very difficult times!
May this be a start of our new life to become!!
Kris was an accomplished business woman who went back to
college at over sixty years old and now has a PhD. in Artificial Intelligence. (Bravo Kris!)
Thank You!
Hi David:
I copied the lines below from Hard-Core, Clearing and Releasing.
from: Reboot Your Life
These are the ones that really spoke to me. Thank you for writing them!
Life can be so hard sometimes; it’s good to be reminded of our intrinsic
worth and our right to be whole and healthy no matter what others think
or say or do—not to mention what we think, say, or do to ourselves!
I release all thoughts and beliefs no longer in my best interest or not supporting me.
I’m not available for “something could go wrong” or “something bad will happen.”
I release all thoughts that I could have done better or that I failed.
I release all thoughts that something’s wrong with me.
I let go of any shame for who I am, what happened, or that I survived.
I am not available for victim stance.
I’m not available for blame.
I’m only available for nourishing thoughts that support me.
Nothing can stop me from seeing the truth and listening with my heart.
I choose that for today and every day, right timing is mine.
I choose to know and accept who I am. I love myself.
I welcome good health and community, I’m thankful, and I stand in gratitude!
I know that I’m never alone.
Leslie Heineman
Leslie is trained in and has a degree in journalism, writing, and editing.
She’s top notch, accomplished in her field, and no small part of editing
this author’s work for over eleven years to date. Thank you Leslie. D
“Do you think about the energy of the people you surround
yourself with? I know I do...enhancers and neutrals are in,
no drainers allowed. David Sweet: A fabulous mentor, and
now friend. As a result of my work with David I've embarked
on a new, exciting, personal journey--starting my own
David’s wisdom, encouragement and ideas flow through his
positive energy, enthusiasm, engaging personality and witty
sense of humor! I encourage you to tap into David’s insight
and guidance...discover and develop creative solutions AND
Twenty plus years with a Fortune 500, sold them for a dealership and rides a
Harley Davidson, owned her own stock brokerage company and was always top
tier in the nation . . . And it goes on. David

A Backstory of Amazing Success
This client had two jobs and was on his way to achieving a major in music with a minor
in business at the University of Puget Sound. The task at hand was to sharpen skills and
mental preparedness for the door-to door, cold-calling necessary to sell mobil “flip”
phones. (Back then, the “big players” were not yet into mobil phones. The “little guy”
still had a chance, and it would be very lucrative for a student working his way through
college if he could master the skills to “hit the bricks” and sell 10-15 phones per month.)
As part of this specific coaching/training, I required that recaps be written. “Reality” is
one such write-up covering sales tools, techniques, and philosophies, honoring self and
others, ways to hold thoughts, including that “thoughts are things,” the importance of
listening to intuition, and taking the time to reflect.
Later, the client sent his quote as a thank you:
“Thoughts are like a rudder. Our direction is directly impacted by the ones we choose to
This client continues to achieve success, by all standards, in several fields including
business, technical, and music. Current position is developing National Marketing—
from concepts, to code, to implementation and training—for a Fortune 500 company.
Foreword - from Being New
“No person, no thoughts, no event can affect or diminish the essential me!”
— David W Sweet
I don’t know about you, however, during the last few years, I have tried my best to avoid
conversations that include dramatic words such as victim, despair, or malpractice. Even
empowering words such as resilience, faith, or growth were at times avoided.
Over the past twenty-two years I’ve had many meaningful conversations with David. We
check in with each other sometimes weekly, and then maybe not for months. We
hammer out our recent challenges or share our latest passions; we have become reliable
and true friends. David is a straight, yet mindful, shooter, who is never afraid to offer
something you may not like, whether a “sharp angle” observation or a life-coaching
philosophy. It requires trust and bravery to go into deep dive with David.
Warning! This book provides poems; yep, good ol’ real-life, heartfelt, and meaningful
poetry. This compilation of David’s work will give you, or someone you care about,
permission to carve out the time to learn forgiveness for yourself and/or for others. Or,
to have the courage to empathize with those you may not know and extend them grace
when others cannot. To make time for these actions is not easy. It requires stamina,
tolerance of pain, efforts to tweak here and leaps to pivot there—all to get on a fresh
track. These hard-hitting poems are coming to us all in real time, the right time!
Open this book when the inspiration hits you. It doesn’t require you to soak it in all at
once; just read wherever you open it to. There’ll be one that is meaty and some that are
tricky; expect to find that special page that really resonates. Let the words burn parts of
your past into new energy. You have full permission to use them as alternatives to self-
What? you say. Yeah . . . how about allowing powerful words on the next few pages to
warm you up, to give you some feeling back in your heart, fingers, and toes? Let’s get
that tingle of inspiration back so you’re manifesting new beginnings. No more day by
day, but more of a shift by shift out of and away from the past that serves you no more.
David’s poems are a modern boost of elixir; they’re antioxidants for the heart and soul.
These poems are made for you; they’re made for your family; they’re made for your
friends or that coworker you just don’t understand. Let them be a phoenix to another so
the rebirth may happen. Our culture is ready for deep reckoning to clear the negative
energy and make room for love, peace, and new sh*t.
I hope my brother from another mother provides you relief and a newfound freedom!
Sloan Hunter
Written ahead for a coming tutorial; appropriate here as well. Thank you Sloan. —David
Dear David,
I just wanted to share some thoughts we have had while reflecting
on our time here at Diamond Belle so far.
Initially, of course, we had no idea what to expect. The unknown is
always a little scary. However, working with you has been a very
enjoyable experience. You have made it easy for us to communicate
with you and brainstorm on projects and express ideas. It has been
fun to sort of pencil out ideas and plans and put many of them in to
place! It’s fantastic to see all those hours of brainstorming and
planning come to fruition and how it’s all benefiting the lodge and
it’s guests.
The work that you and Matt have put in to the new website is
amazing! It is so much better than the old one and people are really
enjoying browsing though it and seeing all the wonderful pictures.
Also, I appreciate knowing I can always call and get a hold of you at
any time if I need to. There is a great comfort in knowing you are
available to help.
So, I just wanted to say thank you. The organized way we work
together really makes this job so much easier.
Trisha and Steve Pomeroy,
Trisha and Steve Pomeroy where a great team at the right time with
multiple skillsets to manage the Diamond Belle guest ranch for
eleven years, right up to the day it was sold by the partnership/LLC
on December 31, 2020.The partnership was blessed on all levels to
have them. Great people!

Artist Michael Tieman's bronze sculpture “The Poet”
Being familiar with each other's philosophy and work, when Michael Tieman asked me
to create a writing for “The Poet”, his third sculpture in his series Hands of the Artists,
I accepted—A classic “no brainer.”
The Universe has its own timing and for both our creating, this was to become poignant.
Every so often we checked with the other on progress. At about nine months into it,
Michael had had his sculpture done for awhile, however, “she wasn't quite right.” Then
one day, he “cocked her head to the side and she was done! A poet with attitude!”
During this same period I played with the verbiage, let it sit, went back to it, mused on
it, rewrote, paused, edited, however, wasn't satisfied. Finally at about a year, the end
result came and the poem “The Poet” was done—Solid! Finished! Our much-longer-to-
create-than-usual-period was over. I sent it to Michael, he agreed, and the rest is
Attached is the brochure for “The Poet” sculpture picturing the finished sculpture and
showing the book The Poet.
About David
David Sweet is one of those writers whose poetry spills out of him
constantly, in his work and in his private life. Which is why I asked him to
provide feedback for some of my written work. He has offered helpful
suggestions that opened creative doors for me, and showed me new
possibilities for my writing.
Val Dumond
Author / Editor / Playwright
Val Dumond has done much to promote equality in written content, and
she has done a whole lot to teach, help, and inspire writers whether just
they are/were just beginning or seasoned. Thank you Val!
David Sweet has been an instrumental building block in the success of my
personal journey, and financial success of my thriving business. Drawing
from his arsenal of keen insight and personal integrity, David has provided
me with a clear vision for overcoming the challenges of financial
stagnation and individual development.
Recommending David Sweet is an opportunity to shout out loud the need
for others to hear the calling and consider David as a guide to “spot on"
clear understanding.
Wendy Edwards
Wendy had started her own decorating company and it was going well. In
regard to her genius and hard work, the above speaks for itself. D
To whom it may concern:
Recommendation for David Sweet’s Advanced Sales Seminar
Five years ago I moved to the Northwest to start my own seminar and consulting
business. I teach business people how to manage and communicate.
I hired many people to market me. These people believed in what I was trying to do but
they did not sell my services. One day I was bemoaning my situation to David Sweet.
David suggested I enroll in his Advanced Sales Seminar. I thought ,”Why not, I’ve tried
everything else."
David convinced me I had to do my own marketing. He taught me an honest system of
approaching people and selling them on my services.
Dave taught me the "4 P’s" that motivate people to buy. He made me practice until I
had the skills down, and followed up with daily phone calls to see how I was doing and
offer more advice. In the first three months after completing this training I was making
more money than in the past two years combined.
I recommend his Advanced Sales Seminar without reservation.
The above client had a masters degree, was a licensed counselor and had a very
successful track record in teaching those in the medical field how to manage and
communicate. In the past he had saved a major national firm over $100,000 with a
consulting fee of under $10,000. The client had never been exposed to sales training
and the related arts and skills, including finding out what the prospect really wanted
deep down.
This clients training took 6-8 hours to the best of my memory. The client went from
zero to out-of-the-park in skills.
One day, two months after completion of training, I got a very excited phone call. This
client had been interviewed, used his new training, and closed the deal using the new
skill sets. Against overwhelming competition and odds, the client had landed a major
consulting job at a local hospital.
To Any Prospective Associate Of David Sweet,
David Sweet has served as my personal coach for the past year. Throughout my
retention of his services David has displayed a multi-disciplinary business acumen, a
principle centered business ethic, and a results-oriented drive to cultivate success.
David also has exhibited a rare quality common only to the most successful people - the
ability to succinctly assess the strengths and weaknesses of his subjects and find creative
ways to nurture better performance. His insightful understanding of the strategic,
tactical, and psychological issues of real estate brokerage management has been
particularly helpful to me in the past year. Our production is up 20% and we are
currently the most prolific branch in our Network per capita.
I offer an unqualified recommendation to anyone who is considering retaining David’s
Owner of the company . . .
By David Sweet
This Quiz Calls forth Courage. You CAN Prevail . . . Believe!
❏ I create the life I choose ❏ I choose to be “new” ❏ Soul-searching wins
❏ I imagine my success ❏ At a crossroads ❏ Freedom from _____
❏ Down to the last thread ❏ I choose, claim joy ❏ Feeling “burned out”
❏ No one’s listening ❏ Feeling lost, alone ❏ Closed in—breakout
❏ I’m not giving up, ever ❏ Feeling not “worthy” ❏ I’m ready for miracles
❏ Courage to succeed ❏ Positive thoughts ❏ Change feels powerful
❏ I will achieve inner peace ❏ Celebration, hope ❏ Other ____________
Free and Easy to Learn:
Powerful, proven concepts and practices offering new understanding and greater self-
empowerment, support toward renewed inner peace, improved courage, confidence, mastery of
thoughts, mental freedom, celebration, joy, hope, and peace of mind.
Master Your Thoughts
Choose to take control over your responses to the pressures that life throws at you every day. If
you don’t like how you deal with problems, you can change it with your thoughts. What makes
a winner in life? You!
Gain New Confidence
Learn that nothing can stop you. Nothing can hold you back, for your own will is always within
your control. Your will needn’t be affected by any negativity unless you let it. What’s here offers
proven ways to recover faster and to achieve stronger balance and well-being in life.
Stronger Balance and Well-Being
You can become who you believe and want yourself to be. Your individual beliefs have the
power to create and the power to destroy. Every one of us can learn the awesome ability to take
negative experiences and create a new meaning that disempowers those experiences—one that
can literally save lives.
Enjoy Greater Peace
Discover how to use your inner power to make yourself happy—or unhappy—today! Yesterday
is dead; tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. There’s just this one day, and you’ll control how you’re
going to experience it. What’s here will point the way and show you how to enhance your
enjoyment of life and reach fulfillment. You always have a choice!
Celebrate Inner Freedom
You’ll have the freedom to celebrate yourself and your joy any time, and you’ll never again have
to rely on someone else or what’s going on around you to feel good about yourself!
(Thanks to Wolfe Thompson, Attorney, Las Vegas, Nevada.)
© 2022 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.