Being New (You Can)
By David W Sweet
Walk softly;
You’re not alone,
Not even in the closet.
Breathe softly;
You’re never ignored,
Not even in the dark.
The sunrise releases
Night in anticipation
Of renewed optimism.
Imposters & Orbits
By David W Sweet
Command these thoughts to go.
Can you go back in time, relive the
largest or smallest of any “let-down
moments” and upon doing so,
explain and vow to yourself that now,
in this present time of your life,
you’re only available for thoughts
in your best interest?
Leaving the Past: Affirmations
By David W Sweet
Nothing can stop me from leaving my past.
I’m no longer available for mental conditioning—
whether by myself or others—that is no
longer in my best interest or supporting me.
The past no longer has any hold on me;
my inner quests cannot be denied.
Commanding Thoughts
By David W Sweet
I choose to imagine and feel the success of coming opportunities.
I’m not available for “something could go wrong”
or the belief that something bad will happen.
I’m only available for nourishing thoughts; nothing can stop me
from seeing truth and worth in all.
Nothing can interfere with my being joyful.
I choose to be delighted and surprised at the outcome of ________.
By David W Sweet
Bidding farewell to any
Lingering Chains of Doubt,
Baggage of Fear or Resentment,
I claim Freedom.
Fretting and Regretting,
Shame and Blame
Have no place in my life;
I gather and lock them away.