Author’s Favorites
Begin Backstory
Written as a method to center, calm, clear all of the mind, focus, and use an open heart.
The bottom line is calling in real power to find the truths and honor yourself and any
others involved. Other’s will notice your approach, and feel the positive difference.
Heart of Resilience
Mission Statement Backstory
So, what’s this all about? There’s a lot here, so I leave it to you. There’s time dimensions,
Honoring God, Nature, the Universe, and us as Humans searching for enlightenment.
Have those in this poem found it? If not, what have they besides freedom and belief?
Heart of Resilience
Credo Backstory
Would you, or could you put forth that this is a “companion” to Begin? How does it feel
to choose what’s here for your inner self—for your spirit? How big a part does your heart
play in this empowerment scenario? Anything else? How might you feel after using it?
Heart of Resilience
Personal Backstory
Noticing, real noticing, with as much quiet inside that you can muster, is an art and a
blessing. Catching details small and large goes hand and hand with the feelings coming.
What’s more important? How heavy is “personal” in this story for you? Anything else?
Stones Winds and Life
Black Ops Backstory
Deny . . . Drown it out. Conceal. Who do you believe? How dare you ask? Not a trace . . .
Day Starters
The Pond Backstory
How connected are hope and joy? Do disruptions of life and joy offer choices on how to
proceed—how to hold it all? How easy is it to give up? Or is it? What can stand in the
way of giving up? Where’s the real “spoiler?”
© 2022 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
EdgeOf Courage.com
By David W Sweet
I empty myself of everything
I know about them,
Including all opinions,
All thought forms,
And all belifs.
I open this spigot;
Feeling it run to empty.
Mission Statement
By David W Sweet
We energize in our mountain surround,
Experience cleansing energy from the sea,
Overcome hesitation challenging our rapids,
Gain endurance trekking desert sands
And feel absolute power amongst the forest
Of Giants.
By David W Sweet
No person or no event
Can affect or diminish
The essential me.
I am Clear, Courageous,
Versatile, and Caring.
I reward myself with Positive,
Affirming Thoughts.
By David W Sweet
It was thunder
and lighting
at the Black Gulch Saloon.
Thelma and Zeke were
playing that tune.
The cowboy came in
and strode to the bar.
The grizzled beard,
the rain-soaked clothes...
said to all he'd come far.
"Whiskey," he said,
in a low, gravelly voice,
Black Ops
By David W Sweet
Ignore the facts
Drum it up
The Pond
By David W Sweet
Our pond was beautiful; crystal clear water flowed carelessly into it from the spring emerging above and somehow making its way through the ancient lava flow. Just right for swimming; we all had great memories of joy, frolicking and diving into the crystal clear water. Always renewing.
Can David Sweet Write??
Here are testimonials mentioning personal impacts, inspiration, introspection, and
sincere thank you’s in regard to David as a person and his writings, including his first
book Stones Winds and Life.
Bob Fassl
Paintings and drawings
Dear David;
I wanted to let you know that your collection of poems and stories, "Stones, Winds and
Life," moved my wife and I. From one page to the next, your thoughts gave a voice to an
overall way-of-life which we’ve held so dear: optimism, and the identification of the
"silver linings" within everything, however seemingly negative. Trying to cope within
the framework that is our modern, technological society all-the-while retaining focus
upon the aspects of life that are truly important; feeding our souls as much as we fulfill
our other hungers; realizing the futility and self-defeating nature of striving for the
material . . . it was heart warming to hear these lessons of living put so simply and
eloquently. You have reminded us of how truly important it is to retain that "child
within the parent it came" and embrace the virtues of innocence and wonder. Growing-
up and growing describe two very different things to me . . . I’ve always preferred to
grow, just not necessarily "up." Thanks again for reminding us to look beyond "society’s
Warmest Regards;
Bob Fassl
Cordell H. Bahn, M.D.
Re: "Stones, Winds and Life" by David Sweet
From dark corners of death, steel and despair, in the No Man’s Land of "Generals and
Pawns" to the joyful sneezes-yes, sneezes- of "Missiles," David Sweet’s beautiful
collection is about love and the places I’ve never thought to look for it. "Clues" and
"Welcome Back To Ego World!" just won’t leave me alone!
Cordell Bahn
Tacoma, WA
David Sweet’s book, "Stone, Winds and Life," is a unique, thought-provoking collection
of work. The variety of writings and topics makes you curious to find what is on the next
turning of the page. The following are a few selections that particularly stood out to me:
In "Last Call," I like how David chooses of a very routine act of nature, such as falling of
the leaves in autumn, and explores it, finding a way to meaningfully apply it to your life.
"Clues" is a proverbial poem that explores man’s soul, nature, and the idea of seeking
truth. It left me with a smile on my face.
"Fortunes" also lends itself to a proverbial style. I enjoy the pictures David paints as he
encourages us through this poem, to take one day at a time . . . that life’s riches and
fortunes are not necessarily those things that are tangible.
Kim Walling
Singer, songwriter
hello mr. sweet my name is micheal williams i am from tacoma washington and i just
received one of your books and i just wanted to let you know that i believe that you did a
wonderful job i love your poems and stories! i really liked welcome to ego world i think
you captured a great image of something wonderful!!!! i really like your poem electric
parents, it is a sad but true poem and hopefully it will affect people to not grow their
children in that kind of world!!! i myself an a young writer i enjoy writing poetry stories
and music!!!!!!! i have a couple of my poems published and i hope to one day have a
book out! actually i know one day i will have a book out!!!! writing is my life i enjoy it
very much!!! Thank you for writing such a wonderful book i enjoy it very much and i
love sharing it with my friends!
micheal williams
Very Inspirational!!
Calming, Thoughtful,
and Easy to Embrace.
Tom Nemec, owner
Tom's West Side Automotive,
Tacoma. WA
Dear David --
Opening your book after having not read it for sometime, I was pleased to find its power
and wisdom still very captivating. My favorite poems, just to name a few, are "Thought
Forms," "Life is on Time," "Dirty Feast," "In the Moment," "Masks," and "Let the
Children Be."
There is an energy that is present through out the book, however, those poems speak of
truth and life. They are about the lessons I strive to learn and keep close at heart daily.
It has always seemed important to listen in life for those little "nuggets" of wisdom -- in
fact, I often search for them. I am more than impressed to find the source of such
nuggets to be within arms distance.
Thank you for sharing your heart and mind with us.
Krista Hitz
Tacoma, WA
“Magic happens when the brushwork redefines the function of the canvas
beyond mere subject matter. David's written words redefine content beyond
mere meaning – to understanding.”
Stan Wanlass, Artist and Sculpture
Sandy, Utah
“An art gallery of stories painted with words. Enjoy your tour!”
Harold James Cleworth, Painter
Venice, California
Sincerely Amazing !
A must have for your inspiration library. I keep David's book right on my kitchen table
always. Each time I open it and read from his book, it seems to relate to what ever it is
that's parallel to my life at that moment.
David truly has a way of capturing words that open the eyesight of the mind, spirit.
Eileen Christiansen
Hair stylist, Permanent Make-up,
Tattoo and Sketch Artist
Tacoma, WA
Hi David,
It's so difficult for me to write a review of a book because I've never done one before. So,
here goes.
Stones Winds and Life is not your ordinary book. The kaleidoscope known as David
Sweet shines brilliantly in this ever diverse gathering of his poems, plays, short stories,
and tales. Each new poem or story brings a new pattern of thoughts, words, colors,
images, rhythms to transport you to another world. Cowboys, pollen, Kings, trees,
horses, a lake, and more are all arranged into new patterns that only David can imagine,
bring to life, and share with us.
How's that?
Kathy Wilson Anderson
Hi David,
It was so nice to talk with you yesterday. You have a really wonderful way of
approaching things. I do enjoy using Stones Wind and Life as it sits here on my desk. I
can use it like an oracle and just open to a page when I am thinking about something.
I will be in touch with you on the stickers as well. I truly hope you have a lovely
Chanda Spalding
To those who want to know,
I keep David Sweet's book “Stones” handy. When I'm lead to it, I open it at random and
take in the story and philosophy. It always helps with what's bothering me or answers
questions for me.
Lisa Stokke Dec 2019
Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I have forgotten to get in touch with you about the poem for
Sierra!!! She was so incredibly appreciative and loved the poem. She even put it up on
her wall. I took a picture to show you. Her eyes lit up and she told me it really inspired
her and she loved it and looked forward to reading it again and again.
I have so many friends fighting for their health and lives right now, I feel overwhelmed
and am losing track of things. I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you how much Sierra
loved the poem.
I hope you have a fabulous day. Thank you again !!!!! So appreciative.
Happy Holidays ; )
I always look forward to my visits with David. Always inspiring, warm, and dear to me.
What a friend! What will he do next?
Love, -:)